Colin Foster's Mathematics Education Blog
21 July 2022
Making rounding interesting
Are there any 'boring' topics in mathematics? Understandably, mathematics teachers tend to be kind of professionally committed to th...
07 July 2022
A football on the roof
I am always on the lookout for 'real-life' mathematics that is of potential relevance and interest to students but where the mathema...
23 June 2022
Lines of not-very-good fit
Does anyone teach lines of best fit 'properly' in lower secondary school? I think whenever I’ve seen this concept taught, or taught ...
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09 June 2022
Motivation for measurement
Optical illusions are almost universally intriguing. Young children can completely get them, but they can fascinate adults too. There is som...
26 May 2022
Are two cars better than one?
So many ideas in probability are really quite unintuitive. How can we help learners make better sense of how simple probabilities combine, w...
12 May 2022
Learning times tables efficiently
Times tables can be a controversial subject. Can we help students to learn their tables in ways that promote conceptual understanding? This ...
28 April 2022
Tangible contexts for mathematics
Do contexts help students to understand mathematics or do they just make it harder for them to untangle the mathematics from all the extrane...
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